
Welcome to the Cobble Creek Kitchen blog!

Are you and your family tired of eating the same things every day?  Would you like try something new?

Well, we hope that this blog will be the place you can visit to find new recipes that anyone can make without having to be a gourmet chef or having to spend a ton of money.

Since this is basically an online neighborhood cookbook, we depend on you to share your favorite recipes.  We'll gladly give you credit for your contribution, or publish your recipe anonymously if you prefer.

We would also like everyone to comment on the recipes they have tried.  And you have the option of commenting anonymously too if you're are more comfortable doing it that way.

If there is a recipe you are looking for, let us know and we'll post a request to see if anyone has the recipe you are looking for.

We know it's fun to go out and eat too.  So if you have a favorite local restaurant you want to recommend, tell us about it and what you like to eat there so we can let everyone know.

So be sure to help us get the word out by sharing the web address with our neighborhood friends.  And if you have a blog or website of your own, please add a link back to this blog.

Here are a few tips to help get you started...

Getting around.  You can simply scroll through all the recipes, or use the links on the right to display them by category, or to find all the recipes contributed by a particular person.  We'll also list the most recent comments from others so you can quickly locate them.  And remember that clicking "home" will always bring you back to the main page.

Submitting a recipe.  When you share a recipe, please try to provide as much of the requested information as possible, and be sure to be as accurate as you can with your measurements and instructions.  Everyone's understanding of "a pinch of", or "one bag of" or "two small cans of" is subject to interpretation.

Commenting.  Please be kind yet honest when providing feedback on the recipes.  And keep in mind that not everyone enjoys the same foods, and opinions vary.  So if someone says something negative about one of your recipes, it is likely someone else will love it.  In addition to providing valuable feedback, the comment feature can also be a used for questions and answers that help clarify ingredient proportions, cooking instructions, etc.

If you follow a lot of blogs and prefer to use a feed reader, you can subscribe to our posts and/or comments using the links on the bottom right.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.